Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CVS proves to have a great backyard

Alright, I understand the headline might look like I have ran out of things to do and you might be right.

I am one of those people that really enjoy collecting fossils; there is just something about holding a piece of rock that's millions of years old that gets me excited.

These past couple of days I have been noticing people crawling out of the lot behind CVS, which is also across from my boyfriends work site.

At first I thought, probably some crack heads. The lot at first sight didn't seem to be much, which sparked my curiosity even more. Until I ran into one of these supposed crack heads, I discovered they were actually fossil hunting.

The next day I gathered all my tools (meaning my boyfriends tools from work) and set out on my adventure behind CVS. As I began hiking I noticed the lot was a lot bigger then meets the eye. Pretty soon I noticed I was on top of a rock cliff over looking Benbrook. As I knelt down on the cliff and puffed on my ciggy I imagined myself as a modern day Sacajawea.

I headed down the cliff and found tons of springs leaking out from soil. As I kicked around the dirt, not knowing where to begin, I noticed hundreds of fossilized shells.

I started digging like a mad woman. My hands were filthy and my crack was out for all to see. Then all of a sudden....."hey you come here often?"

All I could think of, was how long has this guy been here staring at my crack. I turned around in a hurry and said,"ooh, well I am new to the area, I kind of just discovered this place." The more he talked the more I settled down. It turned out he was a geology teacher trying to find fossils for his students to observe.

As quickly as he came he left and I was on my own, free to discover fossils without worrying about what someone was think about my crack.

I ended up leaving the lot with a bag full of evidence from my daily journey. I had found all sorts of sea baring urchins. I discovered that all of my fossil fit into 4 main groups: gastropod, bivalve, cephalopod, and mollusk.

After spending some time on google, I discovered that my fossils were between 30-60 million years old. During this time much of Texas was covered by the gulf, explaining why I had found so many sea creatures.

All in all, I was pretty jazzed about the experience and hope to take another trip into the unknown behind CVS.

1 comment:

  1. hey man what you got there? kind sir it's a mollusk i found.
    Don't tell me you didn't sing that to yourself.
